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2020 Census - Why it Matters to Westchester

  • September 20, 2019
  • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Westchester Library System 570 Taxter Road Elmsford, NY
  • 0


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Please Join Us to Learn About :

  • The 2020 U.S. Census
  • Why it Matters to Westchester
  • What your organization, business, program, library or school can do to help ensure that Westchester is accurately represented in the census. 

8:30 - 8:45 AM: Registration & Light Breakfast
8:45 AM: Opening Remarks from Westchester County Executive George Latimer

9:00 AM: Program

  • How and Why Westchester Uses U.S. Census Data—Westchester County Planning Department
  • Being Counted—Community Partnerships U.S. Census Bureau
  • Next steps, what to expect, how you can get involved.

Once a decade, our nation comes together to participate in the decennial census.
Everyone counts.
The census counts every person living in the United States once, only once, and in the right place.
It distributes $675 billion.
Data determines how more than $675 billion in federal funding is spent in vital programs.
It’s about fair representation.
Results are used to reapportion the House of Representatives, determining how many seats each state gets.
It’s about redistricting.
State officials use the results to redraw the boundaries of their congressional and state legislative districts. 
Your data are confidential. 
Federal law protects your census responses. Your answers can only be used to produce statistics. By law your information cannot be shared with immigration enforcement agencies or law enforcement agencies.
It’s in the Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution requires a census every 10 years—it covers the entire country and everyone living here. 

Registration: Free - Open to NPW members & non members
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